

Factor \(N\) given \(N\), \(e\), \(d\)

Algorithm Design

  1. Compute \(f = ed - 1\).
  2. Express \(f\) as \(f = 2^s \cdot t\) with \(t\) odd.
  3. Set \(i \leftarrow s\) and \(a \leftarrow 2\).
  4. Compute \(b = a^t \mod N\), and if \(b = 1\) then
    • set \(a\) to the next prime, and proceed to step 4.
  5. If \(i \neq 1\) then
    • compute \(c \leftarrow b^2 \mod N\), and if \(c neq 1\) then
      • set \(b \leftarrow c\) and \(i \leftarrow i - 1\), and proceed to step 5.
  6. If \(b = N - 1\) then
    • set \(a\) to the next prime, and proceed to step 4.
  7. Compute and output \(p \leftarrow \gcd(b - 1, N)\), and \(q \leftarrow N / p\).


In an RSA context, \(N\) has no small prime factor, thus the algorithm's \(a\) at step 4 will remain small enough that \(\gcd(a, N) = 1\) will hold.(If it did not, \(a\) would be a factor of \(N\) found by trial division; a trivial modification of the algorithm additionally handles \(N\) with such small factors).

For any valid RSA triple \((N, e, d)\), it holds that \((a^e)^d \bmod N = a\) for any integer \(a \in [0, n)\). Thus for any \(a\) used in the algorithm, \(a^{ed - 1} \bmod N = 1\) holds. That is, \(a^{f} = (a^t)^{2^s} \equiv 1 \pmod N\).

For most \(N\), step 4 will quickly find an \(a\) with \(a^t \not\equiv 1 \pmod N\). Because \(N\) is square-free, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, an \(a\) coprime to \(N\) is rejected iff \(a^t \pmod p = 1\) for all primes \(p \mid N\). Since \(t\) is odd, if \(a^t \pmod p = 1\) holds for \(a\), then \(\tilde{a}^t \pmod p = p - 1 \neq 1\) holds for \(\tilde{a} = -a \pmod p\). Thus, for \(a\) coprime to \(N\) chosen randomly in some large interval, the probability of \(a^t \equiv 1 \pmod N\) is at most \(1/2\). That is independently for each \(p\), thus \(a^t \not\equiv 1 \pmod N\) has probability \(\geqslant 1 - 2^{-m}\) where \(m \geqslant 2\) is the number of factors of \(N\). Using the consecutive primes \(a\) (rather than random \(a\)) works well in practice for random instances of the problem.

Before each iteration of step 5, it holds \(1 < b < N\) with \(i \geqslant 1\), and \(b^{(2^i)} \equiv 1 \pmod N\). Thus, after at most \(s - 1\) computations in step 5 we reach step 6 with \(b \bmod N \neq 1\) and \(b^2 \bmod N = 1\).

Step 6 excludes the case \(b = N - 1\), which is rare in practice.

Thus at step 7, \(\gcd(b - 1, N)\) is a nontrivial factor of \(N\).